
2021年1月30日—Laptopcomponentsarealmostalwaysweakerthandesktopcounterpartsduetopowerandthermalconstraints.,2019年10月10日—Desktopsaremuchcheapertoupgradeandevencheapertoreplaceirreparablecomponents,andyoucanprobablydoityourself,whileit'squitea ...,2022年10月3日—Dependsonhowmuchyoutravel.Ifyouintendtogameinonespotforalongtimethengetadesktop.Ifyoutravelalotordon'twantgamein ...,2023年6月30日—Ade...

PC vs Laptop

2021年1月30日 — Laptop components are almost always weaker than desktop counterparts due to power and thermal constraints.

Desktop VS Laptop

2019年10月10日 — Desktops are much cheaper to upgrade and even cheaper to replace irreparable components, and you can probably do it yourself, while it's quite a ...

Why a powerfull laptop and not a desktop?

2022年10月3日 — Depends on how much you travel. If you intend to game in one spot for a long time then get a desktop. If you travel a lot or don't want game in ...

desktop vs laptop

2023年6月30日 — A desktop with be cheaper than a equivalent laptop. If you don't need portability then there is no reason to get a laptop, it's disposable ...

Does it make sense to own both a laptop and desktop in ...

2023年2月25日 — The laptop is honestly just so nice though, and the battery life is excellent compared to other gaming laptops due to having a significantly ...

Desktop or Laptop for uni?

2023年8月2日 — A laptop might be better, at least for shorter term, if you anticipate needing to use it outside of your living space (e.g. a library) and you' ...

I need help choosing between a laptop and a desktop

2022年8月10日 — A laptop will surely be less powerful than it's desktop counterpart, but they are powerful enough and will deliver the same technologies and ...

Why did you choose a laptop over a desktop?

2023年3月17日 — Where I'm at, the laptop is a cheaper option vs a desktop of somewhat similar-ish specs (yes laptop chips aren't 1:1 comparable). My laptop ...

Desktop vs laptop

2023年1月31日 — Yes, it makes a difference (in performance, and sometimes useful lifespan), and in addition, laptops are usually powered down.

Laptop v PC: How different, really?

2022年5月30日 — Desktops are more easily upgradeable. You can just slot in a GPU or CPU upgrade, whereas some laptops prevent you from even upgrading RAM ( ...

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
